Stephen D Borg


The Keelen Group

Employee - 1980- Current


Government Affairs: Back to the Future?

Government Affairs: Back to the Future?

Government Affairs: The Good Old (New) Days

Government Affairs: The Good Old (New) Days

It’s The Economy…

MASONRY Columnist Stephen Borg gives an update from Capitol Hill.

About: Featured
The Easiest New Year’s Resolution You Could Ever Make!

Stephen Borg provides an update of government affairs before the Legislative Fly-In.

2019 Legislative Conference: We Need You Here!

2019 Legislative Conference: We Need You Here!

Mason Contractors Assemble

Growing up I was one of the few boys who were not into comic books and superheroes. Fast forward to 2018. I am now married, Hollywood has decided they have a huge money-making idea, and I have a 12-year-old son.

A Divided Government, But a Massive Opportunity

Once the 117th Congress is sworn in January of 2019, we will need your help in getting our message across to Members of Congress from both parties to ensure that our voice is heard.

Dust Off Those Suitcases

I hope you will join us in Washington, D.C. to make our voices heard as an industry as we meet with over 125 Congressional offices from throughout the country.

A View from the Inside: Washington, D.C.

Steve Borg gives a recap of President Trump’s first year in office. Read up on his interesting year since winning the presidency.

Urge your Senators to Pass the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act

The U.S. House of Representatives heeded our calls and passed the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (H.R.2353) by a unanimous, bipartisan voice vote on June 22, 2017.

What Does 2017 Have in Store?

I am typing this piece a mere four days before Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016: Election Day. I am reflecting on what a crazy year 2016 has been.

The Sun Is Shining on the MCAA

The sun is shining on the Mason Contractors Association of America, and the future is bright.

Taxing Us to Death and Beyond

President Obama has ordered the Treasury Department to release a new proposed rule that would push back on Congress’ bipartisan resolution on the “death tax”.

Stop the Federal Government Picking Winners and Losers

As Congress returns from its recess, I wanted to take this time to bring a new bill to your attention and ask that you share our concerns with your members of Congress.

Looking Ahead to the New Year

Congress recently adjourned; therefore, I wanted to take this time to put an important event on your radar: the 2016 MCAA Midyear Meeting in Scottsdale, Ariz.

Prime Season for a Great Meeting

Let me offer you an easy tool you can use to continue to engage your elected officials during this summer season and make a lasting impact on those representing you.

2016 Masonry Industry Legislative Conference Recap

In the midst of crazy political times, the Mason Contractors Association of America (MCAA) had another great week in Washington, D.C.

Calling all mason contractors

It is that time of year again…time to dust off your suitcase and get ready to fly to Washington, D.C.

Yet another big step for the MCAA

While a lot can be said of the MCAA leadership and board in these endeavors, it is you, the MCAA members, who have heeded the call, sacrificed your time and made your voice heard.

What a year it has been

This has been, by far, the most productive and impressive year for MCAA’s government relations program, and I hope this is just the beginning of something big.

Presidential politics

As someone who has been in the world of politics for almost two decades, I have found this presidential race to be one of the most interesting our country has ever witnessed.

Senate Appropriations Committee passes amendment delaying silica rule

Last week, Senator John Hoeven (R-ND) offered an amendment to delay the proposed silica exposure rule being pursued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

2015 Masonry Industry Legislative Conference recap

What another great week in Washington, D.C. for the Mason Contractors Association of America’s (MCAA) annual Masonry Industry Legislative Conference.

Representative Brady re-introduces Death Tax Repeal Bill

Take the time to pick up the phone and call your Member of Congress and ask him or her to cosponsor H.R. 1105, the Death Tax Repeal Act of 2015.

MCAA Annual Convention recap

We had yet another productive and successful time in early-February at the 2015 MCAA Annual Convention held during the World of Concrete/World of Masonry in Las Vegas.

Here we go again — attacks on capital gains

President Obama took an opportunity to lay out legislative markers on one of the biggest issues to arise during his last two years in office: tax reform.

A look back on Washington, D.C.

What started as an election year that looked to contain very little hope, turned out to be an incredible year for the branding and influence of the MCAA.

Looking ahead to the 114th Congress

After a game-changing election in November, it appears we are in for quite an adventurous 114th Session of Congress.

Will OSHA listen?

Final post-public hearing comments have been submitted to OSHA in response to their proposed new rule to reduce the permissible amount of workers’ exposure to crystalline silica.

Majority of U.S. House of Representatives supports permanent repeal of the Estate Tax

On June 18, 2014, H.R. 2429, the Death Tax Repeal Act, gained its 221 cosponsor in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Silica public hearings concluded

The proposed new rule to reduce the permissible amount of workers’ exposure to crystalline silica is one of the biggest issues facing the masonry industry.

Citizen lobbyists

What an exciting time of the year! The MCAA is, once again, hitting Capitol Hill for its annual Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C.

Silica comments in

One of the biggest issues facing the masonry industry is the proposed new rule being pursued by OSHA to further reduce the permissible amount of workers’ exposure to silica.

Update on the OSHA Silica Exposure Rule

One of the biggest issues that the MCAA has been watching in Washington, D.C., for the last decade has finally come to a head.

OSHA releases new silica exposure rule

One of the biggest issues that the MCAA has been watching in Washington, D.C., for the last decade has finally come to a head.

Great time to get involved

Now is the perfect time to contact your Members of Congress to let them know that you need their help to protect the masonry industry in America.

Laying the foundation on Capitol Hill

What another great week we had during the annual Masonry Industry Legislative Conference in Washington, DC from May 6-8, 2013.

Engaging your elected officials

It is paramount that you meet with your elected officials on the issues that matter most to you and your business.

Legislative update from the MCAA

We won some huge legislative victories in the 112th Congress (2011-2012) with the help of many MCAA member companies.

The Death Tax is coming

If Congress does not act by December 31, 2012 the Death Tax will hit thousands more family-owned businesses.

The fiscal cliff

The fiscal cliff is the term given to the looming expiration of the current tax rates put in place in 2001 and 2003.

Call your U.S. Representative today to support H.R. 8

On Tuesday, July 24, 2012 Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee introduced H.R. 8, a bill that would extend the 2001 and 2003 tax cut rates.

Building momentum on The Hill

We had another great and productive annual Masonry Industry Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C., May 8-10, 2012.