Is Spring Here Yet?

Words: Bronzella Cleveland

Bronzella Cleveland, Editor 

I hope everyone reading this is having a great year thus far. From the “New Year, new me” followers, to the resolution setters, I hope you’re on track with your goals and resolutions. As I write this, I can see the snow melting and icing over as we’re in Illinois and never know what the weather will be like. There is just one glaringly obvious question I have. Is spring here yet?  

I’m ready to wear a lighter jacket, sandals or any shoes that aren’t a pair of snow boots and do outdoor activities. Winter’s reign needs to come to an end and let spring bring some warm sunshine back into our lives. But that’s enough of me musing over spring. Let’s get into what you’ll find in this quarter’s issue.  

We wanted to kick the year off right and bring you some interesting articles to read. It's always our hope to provide fresh and new ideas with each issue. So, in this issue, we are featuring a commercial design project that highlights a historic building that was restored into a performing arts center. You’ll also find a creative design article featuring an unconventional sculpture constructed with brick by Seedorff Masonry.   

Jet-setting, rock lover, Dawn Carroll wrote our cover story. She provides an interesting narrative on the DNA of stone focusing on outdoor design. Be sure to check out this great story on outdoor living.   

The University of Washington has a game-changing block class where students repurpose concrete blocks into something new. So, don’t miss out on the great ideas and projects students have crafted. You will also find stories on green buildings, drones in masonry, and rainscreens.   

Last but certainly not least, we have a quick recap of the 2018 American Institute for Architecture Students (AIAS) FORUM. This event took place on December 29th-, 2018 January 1st, 2019. Dan and I were afforded the opportunity to attend and had an amazing time. We cannot wait for this year’s FORUM.  

This issue is filled with great articles we know everyone will enjoy. As always if you have any ideas, questions or comments please feel free to email Dan or me.  

 Until next time, enjoy spring.   

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