Mr. Holdaway Goes to Washington

Words: Stephen Borg

For many years, the Mason Contractors Association of America would host a summer "Fly-In" to Washington, D.C., where MCAA Members would spend a day and a half hitting Capitol Hill to meet with Members of Congress and staff from their states to talk about our industry, share our top legislative and regulatory priorities, and start building long-lasting, trusting relationships. We would typically have around 30–35 members from across the country join us for these important events. Unfortunately, several years ago, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Capitol Hill completely shut down, and the ability to conduct "fly-ins" went by the wayside.

MCAA Leadership and I started to brainstorm and decided to come up with opportunities where a small group or individual could come into D.C., and we would conduct a much smaller and more targeted "fly-in." We have had numerous members take us up on these efforts (we are always open to more if you are interested!), and I wanted to take the time to highlight one such recent mini "fly-in."

Heath Holdaway has been a long-time member of MCAA through his company IMS Masonry in Lindon, UT. Heath attends the Annual Convention and the Mid-Year Meetings and is extremely active in our Association. Heath has shared on numerous occasions his desire to come out to D.C. and advocate for MCAA and his business back home. The way he constantly talked to me, I had the impression he had been to D.C. before, meeting Members of Congress was old hat, and this was just another opportunity to continue his great efforts. Little did we know, Heath had never set foot in Washington, D.C., either as a tourist to see the sights or as an advocate for MCAA.

Heath graciously took time out of his business in early July to join me and MCAA Executive Director Jeff Buczkiewicz in Washington, D.C. for his first time, and it was a lot of FUN! Whether it was watching Heath geeking out over all the stonework and masonry in the congressional buildings, watching him tell his story and advocate for his business and MCAA with Members of Congress, or getting invited to ice cream by a congresswoman, Heath had an unbelievable time. More importantly, Heath started building long-term relationships with his congressional delegation.

In the few weeks that have passed, Heath has received a personal cell phone number of a congressman, has three Members of Congress working on dates to visit one of his jobsites, and numerous staffers wanting to learn more from him about the masonry industry and how things such as workforce, OSHA regulations, and legislative initiatives will impact him and his company. Heath has broadened our voice as an industry by taking the time to join us in D.C., and I would implore you to take the time to join Jeff and me in Washington, D.C. for what we promise will be a fun, educational, and extremely impactful time for you and our industry.

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