The Fechino Files: Masonry Scholarships

Words: Steven Fechino

Steven Fechino

Last month Mortar Net Solutions presented 30 masonry scholarships to masonry apprentices from across the country to assist them in their masonry education efforts.  Many of the students were recommended to us by an instructor or coworker who saw that special something in their candidate.

As a part of this effort, I want to not only thank the sponsors but many of the individuals that have made this effort possible.  I would first like to thank Tom Sourlis and Gary Johnson of Mortar Net Solutions for believing in this dream of helping others. Next, I need to thank Greg Skyta, my coworker at Mortar Net Solutions, and the person behind the mask in Las Vegas this summer wearing that Florida Gator Hat. Since the beginning, Greg has been a part of everything, offering stability when I get crazy and those fantastic creative ideas.

Ryan Shaver of the North Carolina Masonry Contractors Association, for offering a full list of candidates and assisting Mortar Net Solutions with distributing the gift bags to students within his area.

Matt Sonnhalter, a Visionary Architect with Sonnhalter who has offered great ideas, sponsor assistance, and support during the entire process.

Curtis Hoover is the go-to guy when you need to ask about a masonry teacher or masonry program. His friendship and assistance have allowed many students the ability to receive a scholarship that might otherwise have been missed.

 Our sponsors are a big part of making this event and opportunity special for the recipient.  

We like to promote our recipients of the scholarship and many of the individuals who put their time and effort into the event.  

Please support the companies that support the trade when you purchase your next project. It is not often that industry competitors come together to work together, but in this case, the result is bigger than any company could manufacture individually. Supporting these companies strengthens the scholarship program allowing us to benefit further the workforce and the individuals that can benefit from the assistance.

Scholarship Sponsors: 


Mortar Net Solutions: Providing industry-leading moisture management solutions for masonry walls that help designers and contractors build projects that they can be proud of for a lifetime.

Donating embroidered custom traditional canvas tool bags, a check for $350.00 payable to the institution for tuition assistance, Mortar Net Solution branded gloves, sled runner, tuck pointer/slicker, brick hammer, English plugging chisel, brick set, #18 braided line, blue metal mortar pans, assortment of line block, trigs and a Mortar Net Solutions ball cap.


Bon Tool: Providing their new forged trowel and many other tools.

Donating forged brick trowel, margin trowel, convex joiners, statistical booklets, Bon ball caps, and product catalog.

We would like to thank John Bongiovanni and Joe Romesburg.


Kapro: For 30 years, Kapro has been making the finest quality spirit levels, laser levels, and layout tools, marking and measuring tools.

Donating 24-inch and 48-inch Levels to each student with a counter exchange lifetime warranty, 26-foot heavy-duty tape measurers, line levels, and construction pencils.

We would like to thank Gal Wollach and Stacey King.


Prosoco:  Leader in cleaning, protecting, and manufactures commercial construction chemicals that improve the longevity and efficiency of buildings.

Donating branded construction helmets, ball caps, vouchers for product redemption, and very nice notebooks.

We would like to thank Jake Boyer and Javier Aqui.

US Tape: Nationwide distributor of measuring devices for the construction industry.

Donating the very durable Rhino stick rules.

We would like to thank Bill Craig.


Knipex:  Manufacturer of high-quality forged pliers for every application.

Donating a 10-inch bolt cutter made with the highest quality of materials.


TruFast Walls: Nation's leading manufacturer of brick anchors, insulation & metal lath anchors, and screws.

Donating construction Trufast t-shirt and a branded Carhartt winter hat.

We would like to thank Mitch Mahler, Brad Gump, and Jason Wigboldy.


Risinger Builds: A YouTube sensation and builder of high-end homes for almost 20 years and has documented his passion for building science & fine craftsmanship since 2008.

Donated his social media platform to help promote the Mortar Net Solutions scholarship.

We would like to thank Matt Risinger for all of his time and effort in assisting us with the scholarship.


JAGCLAMP: The Toughest, Quickest, Safest Line Stretcher on the Block.

Donated two sets of Jagclamps for each student, one set of the original clamps and one set of the JAG: XL clamps.

We would like to thank Andy Green for being a part of this program and are proud of his support.


This year for 2022, we are adding several new sponsors to the list and would like to present them as follows:

Arizona Masonry Council: Arizona Masonry council is continually developing and implementing programs to educate your employees further.

We would like to thank Cassie Mejia for her support.

Hohmann and Barnard: Hohmann & Barnard, Inc. provides quality and innovative products that architects, engineers, and contractors have come to rely on since 1933.

We would like to thank Jeremy Douglass, CSI, CCPR, for his support and belief in this program.

Advanced Building Products: Deflect, Drain, and Dry, Advanced Moisture Management Solutions-Allowing Moisture to Drain, Not Remain®.

We would like to thank Keith Lolley for his support in this program.


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