Spring Business

Words: Bronzella Cleveland

Spring Business

Dan Kamys, Editor - dkamys@staging1.masonrymagazine.com

Spring is one of my favorite times of year. We’re coming out of the winter slump, my seasonal Vitamin D deficiency is wearing off, and the summer season is quickly approaching. For most in the masonry industry, this also marks the big swing of the construction season. That’s why we’re particularly excited with this issue of the magazine. At the MCAA, it means there are a lot of things to look forward to. One of my favorite events of the year is the Legislative Fly-In, which takes place every May. Here, our members get the opportunity to interact with their respective elected officials to advocate for the industry. This is a firsthand way that we’re able to make a difference in the industry. In Paul’s message, you’ll see him discuss the talking points for this year’s events. After my first go-around last year, I feel prepared and ready to talk about the issues. I did want to give a slight plug for what’s to come in May. May will mark the first issue of MASONRY DESIGN published by the team who brings you MASONRY. I am impressed by the excitement we have heard from everyone regarding our acquisition, and it’s thrilling to be taking on another storied publication about masonry. It’s our hope that we can build upon the legacy of MASONRY DESIGN as the go-to and extend it to the larger design and educational communities. The fact remains that masonry is just the logical choice nearly all of the time. I hate to bring something sad into my editor’s note, but we were recently talking in the office about how masonry should be the choice in schools because of the recent violence that’s occurred. Whatever side of the aisle you’re on, I think we can all agree that kids need to be safer. One of the least political ways to do that is through the choice of building materials for educational facilities. That’s something we hope to highlight in upcoming issues of MASONRY and MASONRY DESIGN. It’s funny that I bring up trying to avoid being political in what’s arguably one of our most political issues of every year. The fact is we need to push hard for masonry. I feel like I say it every note, but just because there are technological strides and some promising regional workforce development events doesn’t mean we can be happy with the progress. We need to actively engage with the elected officials who can make a difference. We need to keep pushing as a group, and we’re doing all we can with the magazine(s). It’s a little weird for Bronzella and I to be making that plural so quickly, but we’re humbled by the opportunity to publish multiple magazines on the most resilient building material and most genuine and hardworking industry out there. As always, please let us know of anything you’d like to see or read about in our publications! dsig
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