OSHA's proposed silica rule will be posted to the Federal Register today, Sept. 12, 2013. That will be the official federal site for public comment on the rule.
MCAA is encouraging
contractors to comment on the proposed rule and the impact it will have on your business.
It is important when commenting to remember that this will be a part of official government records. It is also important to note where you can the impractical application and difficult nature of trying to monitor silica in an uncontrolled environment such as a jobsite.
While financial impact is important, other things that will impact you are important to relate. Are there enough independent labs in your area number one and are they qualified to do the monitoring at your jobsite?
If you do comment on the rule, please copy and paste your comments into an email back to
Jeff at the MCAA office. He will collect our comments and bring them to the silica coalition for consideration in our battle to change the rule.
Download the proposed rule and submit comments and attachments electronically at
http://www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=OSHA-2010-0034, which is the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. All comments, including any personal information you provide, are placed in the public docket without change and may be made available online. Therefore, be cautious about submitting personal information.