August 2011: President's Message

Words: Dan Kamys President's Message Mackie BoundsAs the World Turns

Many changes are taking place around the world and even in our nation. The beauty of masonry and its sustainability have not changed, and I am proud of that. I also am proud that, as an industry, we are not afraid of change as we seek ways to improve our industry. Technology has become a huge factor in our day-to-day business lives. We actually can say our industry has become high tech. We see changes in materials and equipment that improve us as an industry.

I know many more changes will occur down the road. Why would I say that? A new generation is beginning to take its place in our business world, with new ideas, means and methods. Our age-old industry is not exempt from this. We see and experience this in our South of Forty committee. It is obvious that within that committee are our future industry leaders. The network they have built among themselves is priceless. I have a couple of employees involved in the committee. Many times, when we discuss issues, I hear them quoting other South of Forty members. Or, they will text them while we are talking and get other opinions.

MCAA recognized the need to bring these young folks in, and Wow! It has been a refreshing experience. If you have young folks in your business, put them on this committee and reap great dividends from your investment. Is your company a member? If not, join today, and enjoy a return on your money.

As the world turns, our workforce is growing old. I am amazed, as I travel around the country, by our attitude toward our workforce. I hear that there is no work, so why train? I can guarantee if we stop our training, our workforce gradually will dwindle away. Then, we will not be able to handle what is available. There is no need to expand our market share, if we are not going to continue to prepare for tomorrow with our workforce. One of our South of Forty members, Moroni Mejia, chairs our workforce development committee. I am excited about the opportunities and changes that will come from our MCAA members. If you are not a member, join today. Don’t get left behind.

As the world turns, we as an industry have stepped up to certify ourselves, rather than allow the government to do it for us.

Just this morning, I was participating in a codes and standards webinar concerning green building, and the changes to masonry codes and standards because of this concept. Not only did I learn something, which is exciting, but also it was another stop toward my company becoming certified. This sends a positive message to the architect community, general contractors and owners. We want to do our job right and also be better business people. This will entice people to do business with you. Are you an MCAA member? Join today, and start your journey toward being a certified mason contractor.

All that I have mentioned is exciting to me as President of MCAA, but also as a contractor. Our association is cultivating the ground for you and me to be successful. Now is the time for us, as members, to do everything we can to improve our industry. Our business will reap the benefits!

I say “thank you” to all of you that are doing just that. To the rest, you don’t know what your are missing! Maybe you read this magazine but are not a member of MCAA. I want you to join today! How bad do I want you to join? I will pay half of your membership dues. That is how important it is to me, as a fellow mason contractor, that you join us in our battle to make our industry stronger and better for the future generation!

Until next time, this ole cowboy says, “Shoot for the moon and, even if you miss, you will land among the stars!”

P.S. Norma Jean and I want to see you in San Antonio at the Mid-Year Meeting, Sept 14-16, and bring your boots! Return to Table of Contents
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