Spring 2015: From the Editor

Words: Dan Kamys

What’s Going On?

Cory Sekine-Pettiteby Cory Sekine-Pettite

To make comments or suggestions, send e-mail to cory@lionhrtpub.com.

Nearly every time I start to contemplate potential topics for my editor’s letters, I go through the same struggles: tossing around topic ideas, conducting research, composing articles in my head, starting and stopping the writing process, and finally sitting down at my laptop just prior to our publication deadline to bang out a brief – but sincere – note to our readers.

This time around, it occurred to me that I could – and should – use this page on occasion to find out what’s going on in your worlds instead of just sharing what’s happening in mine. It is easy to get wrapped up in my own thoughts and editorial plans, and sometimes forget that I have a valuable resource in the readership of Masonry Design. After all, the main purpose of this magazine is to educate and inform readers about the vital role that masonry plays in the U.S. construction market. We strive to bring you articles on design trends, and the latest in materials and technologies that will aid you in creating better masonry projects.

Thus, it’s best if – from time to time – I look up from my computer screen and see what’s going on. So tell me, dear readers, what news have you from your corner of space? What struggles – if any – are your firms experiencing? Is your business growing with the economy? If so, in what areas of practice?

Moreover, do you have topic ideas that you would like to see explored in this magazine? For example, are there certain materials or technologies about which you’re curious? Do you have some thoughts on business topics we could cover? Would you like to contribute such a column? Similarly, are you an expert in building materials, hardscaping, design software, seismic design, et cetera who would like to share your knowledge with the A/E/C community?

Don’t be shy. Send me an email, or give me a call. I’m open to any and all ideas, and I’m always enthused to hear from our readers. Besides, you’ll be giving me an excuse to stop working on my next editor’s letter.


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