Spring 2015: Table of Contents

Words: Dan Kamys


Spring 2015:

Table of Contents


Brick: An Old Way to a Better Tomorrow
Since early mankind moved out of caves and into communities, brick was a desired construction material. With readily available raw materials, a simple manufacturing process, and durable and sustainable results, brick’s continued prominence is easy to understand.
By Chris Hines

Project Spotlight
Workhorse Rally
The Village of La Grange has a long-standing tradition of preserving its past, including its beloved Stone Avenue Train Station, which recently underwent a vital restoration.
By Marc Rohde and Douglas Ogurek

Masonry Flashing
Flashings remain a critical component of any cavity wall system, diverting moisture outward as it collects in the cavity space to the exterior of the façade through the weep openings. A failure in this arrangement can ultimately lead to degradation of wall components.
By Jeremy S. Douglas CSI, CCPR

A Timely Renaissance
For nearly a century, throngs of area residents of Waltham, Mass., made their way to work in the iconic 1854 factory of the Waltham Watch Company along the Charles River. Today, the factory is enjoying a second life, thriving once again through a mixed-use renaissance that provides innovative living and working spaces in its restored and renovated buildings.
By Henry Moss, AIA, LEED

Stone 101
What every member of a project team must know before, during, and after installation of natural stone.
By Mike Buechel

columns & departments

Letter from the Editor

Marketing Strategies for Equipment Manufacturers

With over 25 years of experience in manufacturing and distributing equipment across all seven continents, EZG Manufacturing has developed a strong understanding of successful market positioning. Drawing from this extensive experience, we’re sharing effect

Adopting Masonry Advancements

As a teenager growing up in a small town, I started my first job working as a laborer for a local mason. I rode my bike or hitched a ride to the shop before sunup every morning, where I would load up scaffolding, deck planks, and countless bags of mortar

MASONRY STRONG Podcast Episode 1 Recap: Jeff Buczkiewicz

On the first episode of the MASONRY STRONG Podcast, MCAA President Jeff Buczkiewicz talked about his journey into the masonry industry, how he’s seen the industry change, and how he got into his position at the MCAA. Jeff’s Early Days and Entry Into the I

About: Featured
The GT30: A Block Laying Robot by Shanghai Intelligent Masonry Technology

China is the world's largest construction market and the largest producer and user of various types of building blocks (AAC blocks, hollow concrete blocks, porous clay sintered blocks, etc.). According to industry association statist

About: Featured