MCAA Regional Report, Region G

Words: Michael SutterArizona - Glenn Hottmann
Colorado - No State Chair
New Mexico - Randy Saponaro
Utah - Alan Johnson
Wyoming - Jim Thompson

Economic Conditions/Forecasts

The Housing Market within our State has fallen drastically. It has taken its toll in the retail market, new housing sales and commercial market resulting in record foreclosuses and bankruptcies throughout the state. The turndown is projected to last another year. Due to the turn down in the housing market, it has affected the Masonry sector both in commercial and residential making building very competitive on both sides. Immigmtion is the hot issue within our state of Arizona. It requires all businesses to follow the new state laws on hiring of illegals or risk losing their business license. The law took effect January 1, 2008. There are appeals being done, but the long term affect at this point is unknown.

No State Chair.

New Mexico
No report as of this writing.

Utah has been blessed at this moment, as the best overall economy in the United States excludimg Hawaii. Our unemployment is the lowest in the country; consequently we are still facing a qualified labor shortage. We don't see a let up on that situation for a least another year. Some of the other concerns are higher fuel prices which are leading to inflation of materials, increases in health insurance (higher than current inflation) and wage increases because of low unemployment in our area. Our Hispanic workforce is growing because of our labor shortage and that brings its own set of problems with language barriers and legal issues as far as proving residency. There has been a slump in our residential building, but at this point it has not supported much in the labor shortage that we are currently experiencing.

No report as of this writing.

Workforce Development

The Arizona Masonry Contractors Association remains very active in Education of our future Craftsmen of tomorrow. The AMCA has 52 Apprentices in our classes. We continue to promote our Industry to High Schools throughout our State. In addition, we have continued to support Masonry Programs in Local Schools. Our Suppliers have been great Supporters toward Education of our young Masons of tomorrow.

No State Chair.

New Mexico
No report as of this writing.

No report as of this writing.

No report as of this writing.

OSHA & Safety

Arizona Masonry Contractors Association Safety Program promotes Safety with continuing Safety articles and by holding Safety Seminars for its Members. We are receiving great support from SCF (State Compensation Fund) for continuing to provide a safer workplace.

No State Chair.

New Mexico
No report as of this writing.

No report as of this writing.

No report as of this writing.

Membership Development

We are continuing to promote Masonry within our markets by our Certification Programs to provide a quality product. The Arizona masonry guild has formed a Committee to meet with Architects in the Commercial and Residential areas to resolve any issues they may have to promote Masonry Structures. Due to the turn down in our industry, products are now readily available and very competitive compared to a year ago.

No State Chair.

New Mexico
No report as of this writing.

No report as of this writing.

No report as of this writing.

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