Report of the MCAA Safety Committee

Words: Zach Everett

ASTM Committee E34 on Occupational Health and Safety

Subcommittee E34.30 is the called Occupational Health and Safety in Construction. This subcommittee has developed the first ever Silica Standard in Construction. MCAA’s technical consultant, Rashod R. Johnson, P.E. is the Chairman of this subcommittee and continues to work diligently to protect the long term interests of mason contractors throughout the country. There are many opinions about the legitimacy of this committee’s work, however, the Safety Committee agreed to be the champion for this Standard rather than allowing a potential adversary take the reigns of the Subcommittee. A report from Rashod Johnson on the specifics of this new standard is forthcoming.

Council for Masonry Wall Bracing Reconvening

The Council for Masonry Wall bracing has reconvened and is in the process of implementing changes in order to update the 2001 Standard Practice for Bracing Masonry Walls Under Construction. A revised edition should be available this Spring.

Written Safety Program for the Mason Contractor

We had hoped that the MCAA Written Safety Program would be available by this time. There has been a draft formed, but needs more mason specific information. There in lies the issue. What is standard for one mason may not be for another. We hope that this will be a work in progress so that as we become better educated in safety as an association we can amend the Program thereby staying on the cutting edge of safety performance. We look forward very soon to the New MCAA Written Safety Program for the Mason Contractor on the website available to members.

Written Safety Inspection Report Document

We now have, available to MCAA members, a written Safety Inspection Report form that can be used by Safety Inspectors, Superintendents, Foreman, etc… It focuses on safety issues that are pertinent to the mason contractor. It can be printed and filled out by hand in the field or be produced as a digital document.

MCAA Safety Awards Program

We are also working on the new MCAA Safety Awards program that MCAA members will be eligible for. There has been many different ideas bounced around on the format and we hope to have the best ideas confirmed by mid-year.
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