MASONRY Magazine

Marvelous Masonry: Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista - Mogno

Words: Lily Burger

In the idyllic village of Mogno, nestled in the Maggia Valley of Switzerland, sits the Church of San Giovanni Battista. This modern masonry marvel was constructed between 1992 and 1996 after an avalanche in 1986 destroyed the original 17th-century church.



Contractor Tip of the Month: Is Your Competition on Your Payroll?
Words: Damian Lang

Have you ever paid the salary of one of your competitor’s employees? I am confident your answer is a resounding no. But you may be wrong. In fact, this may be happening every day. When these incidents occur, most of them are not intentionally malicious; b

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So instead of just jumping right into dollars and cents, I am going to skip it entirely. This article isn’t about appreciation in value. It is about the appreciation you show to others. Do you appreciate your employees, clients, subcontractors, or your bo
Building More: A Company’s Appreciation
Construction business owners often ask me:
Business Building: How Much Profit Should Contractors Make?

Chairman's Message: Top-Shelf Leadership

When a business or association is doing well, there is always a temptation to relax and enjoy the ride. However, as anyone who has worked for an extended period in their career knows, there always seems to be some potentially knee-buckling challenge lurki



Church of San Giovanni Battista



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