Nichole U Reber



Employee - 1980- Current

An In-Depth Look at Laser Levels

An In-Depth Look at Laser Levels

Drone Safety: An Update

Using drones can be really useful on large projects. Read up on the tips and safety regulations that come along with drone usage.

Construction Disruption

Born out of a home shortage coupled with the skilled workforce shortage in Australia, the Hadrian X is the brainchild of Fastbrick Robotics.

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Construction Disruption: Fastbrick Robotics

Construction Disruption: Fastbrick Robotics

American Treasure: Notre Dame

MASONRY highlights Notre Dame’s stadium and newly constructed project, the Campus Crossroads. Read up on the work done on the stadium and the newly constructed center that surrounds it.

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Case Study: Burnside Bridge Restoration

Master builder John Weaver and a handful of farmers built Rohrbach’s Bridge over Antietam Creek in 1836. They built the creamy white stone bridge with three magnificent barrel arches and elegant proportions: 14 ft. 9 in wide and 125 ft. long. They made w

American Treasure: Old Red Museum

MASONRY takes you on a tour of the original courthouse in Dallas in the third installment of the American Treasure series. The former legal building was transformed into a historic museum, housing all the events and stories of this great city.

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American Treasure: Old Red Museum

American Treasure: Old Red Museum

Preserving the Beauty of Masonry

To Tom Vacala, restoration is a new challenge and historic exploration of each building or project that he works on. Read about his experiences and what he’s discovered while working.

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BIM for Masonry: An Update

The world of masonry is continuing to evolve through the use of BIM-M. Check out this update and how you can incorporate this software into your project.

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Philadelphia City Hall

This month we explored the historic site of Philadelphia City Hall, the tallest masonry structure in the world. Learn about the history and hard work put into erecting this noteworthy building.

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Mast Climber Safety

Mast Climber Safety

American Treasure: St. John the Divine

MASONRY had the opportunity to tour the historic Cathedral of Stain John the Divine. Read up on the history and the efforts put forth to creating this building.

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