What a Great Start to the Year Ahead

Words: Todd Fredrick

Bronzella Cleveland, Editor - bcleveland@masonrymagazine.com

Happy Almost Spring everyone! As I write, this I'm hoping the cold quickly goes away and spring shows its gorgeous face. I think I've fully recovered from my third year at World of Concrete in Las Vegas, and I must say it was a very successful convention! It’s always nice seeing all everyone and experiencing the intense competitions during MASONRY MADNESS. But I'll save all that for our recap issue next month. March is the start of spring, fresh flowers, bright sometimes rainy skies, and last but definitely not least, my wedding! Some of you already know, but I’ll be marrying my longtime boyfriend at the end of this month and I don’t know where the time has gone.  

Aside from the excitement from the wedding, I’ve learned more about my abilities to multitask in the past year, bouncing from work during the day to wedding planning in the evenings and on the weekends. I have a newfound respect for industry professionals, both in the wedding business and in the masonry business. I can only image what mason contractors go through daily, not the flowers and fancy clothing, but with the brick, mortar, and running jobsites, much less having to then go home and have a personal life (or more masonry work if you can’t get enough of it.) 

As long as there is a healthy work and life balance, I'm all for it- but let me just say, I’m happy all my wedding planning has come to an end! I’m looking forward to my life going back to “normal” and focusing my days on work and light reading after work. But that’s enough about my somewhat crazy life, let’s get into what is awaiting you beyond my note. This issue is filled with tons of informative and fun articles for you to read.  

Back by popular demand is our American Treasure series. The first article this year features the J. Paul Getty Museum in California. We had the opportunity to tour the campus and take awesome shots of the buildings, so be sure to read this month’s cover story- it isn’t one to be missed! Following my note, you’ll find the first Chairman’s Message from Paul Oldham, and a follow up to our Hazard Communication article. 

We have a new column starting this month, our new Strategic Partner Keson and Sola present their first On the Level column, which will focus on technical information for you so you can learn more about them and what they have in store for you in issues to come. There is also a Legislative Fly-In update for you to get prepared for this year’s conference in D.C., and we also have a Masonry Foundation update where you will learn more about the future intent of this year’s board.  

You also won’t want to miss Steven Fechino’s column on timesheets and daily reports. There are also more interesting articles on mortar mixer maintenance, sustainability, and a case study on a Chicago middle school. As you may know, we try to highlight as much technology as we can, so this issue features two articles on technology in the industry: one that highlights drones and their uses on a jobsite and in the construction industry, and the other that focuses on the broader picture. Don’t miss out on any of these great articles!  

As always, if you have any suggestions for articles be sure to reach out to us. I hope you’re enjoying 2020 as much as I am, until next time.  


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