Chairman's Message: Grab Hold, the Wind Is At Our Back

Each year, the MCAA holds two conventions. The mid-year meeting is held in the late summer or early fall. It’s always hosted at a city or venue that offers more of a boutique convention feel. Any members of the MCAA are welcome, and they gather to hold ou

Chairman's Message: Resolutions, Revolutions, and Resets

The winds of change are all around us. You can feel it in the air, in the conversations we all had over the holidays, and in our interactions at work and all about town. Throughout history, we have used our national elections to make changes in the missio

Chairman's Message: Winter Is Coming

Here in Minnesota, where we sit at the northern edge of the Upper Midwest, we have no choice but to proudly embrace the seasons as they arrive. Like a few of our neighboring states, we experience all four seasons every year. Spring is messy and damp as th

Chairman's Message: Mentoring Past and Future

My wife, Sheryl, walked from her office to mine and placed the September issue of Masonry Magazine on my desk. She opened it to page 52 and said, “Look at this picture and tell me the first thing you see.” I gave it a quick glance. The top half of the pag

Chairman's Message: Everything, Everywhere...and All At Once

Once upon a time, long ago, when I was selling radio advertising, there was always an emphasis on the importance of keeping our ad copy efficient, attention-grabbing, and hopefully loaded with staying power. Advertisers know customers are busy and ad budg

Chairman's Message: Top-Shelf Leadership

When a business or association is doing well, there is always a temptation to relax and enjoy the ride. However, as anyone who has worked for an extended period in their career knows, there always seems to be some potentially knee-buckling challenge lurki

Chairman's Message: Staying Current and Having Vision

As I prepared for my 8th-grade graduation, I opened my closet and very carefully removed the shining new suit I would wear to the ceremony. I was excited and thankful that my parents purchased it, because if they hadn’t, I would have stood out like a sore

Chairman's Message: Planning for Pivots and What-ifs

When watching a football game, it’s always interesting to first see the play live in real-time, followed by the slow-motion replay afterward. In real time, it plays out in a handful of seconds.

Chairman's Message: Round Up The Usual Suspects

There’s a fabulous scene in the climax of the film CASABLANCA starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. In the scene, Claude Reins, the French Police Captain during German occupation, arrives at the airport hanger only to find Bogart had just expired

Chairman's Message: Vendor No. 25 and Selling Norman Rockwell’s Cottage

Growing up in the home of a mason contractor had all sorts of wonderful experiences for my siblings and me. My father and mother had a good thing going in their little household. They had a happy marriage and were raising four children. Mom was in charge

Chairman's Message: Challenge of Cherry-Picking Change

Look, I get it. Yes, I have gray hair, but to be fair, I first started getting gray hair at age 16. Still, there’s no denying I’m an “old guy.” I’m a baby boomer, and I’m aware that some new trends and changes our companies have witnessed in recent years

Chairman's Message: Everyone is an Influencer

Chairman's Message: Everyone is an Influencer

Chairman's Message: Passing the Baton, Staying the Course…

Chairman's Message: Passing the Baton, Staying the Course…

Chairman's Message: January 2024

Chairman's Message: January 2024

Chairman’s Message: Past, Present and Future

Chairman’s Message: Past, Present and Future

Chairman's Message: The House That Chocolate Built

Chairman's Message: The House That Chocolate Built

Chairman's Message: A Better Understanding

Chairman's Message: A Better Understanding

Chairman's Message: Labor Shortage?

Chairman's Message: Labor Shortage?

Chairman's Message: A Safety Culture

Chairman's Message: A Safety Culture

Chairman’s Message: July 2023

Chairman’s Message: July 2023

Chairman's Message: June 2023

Chairman's Message: June 2023

Chairman's Message: May 2023

Chairman's Message: May 2023

Chairman's Message: A Blueprint For Success

Chairman's Message: A Blueprint For Success

Chairman's Message: WOC 2023 Recap

Chairman's Message: WOC 2023 Recap

Chairman's Message: A Special Night at the Museum

Chairman's Message: A Special Night at the Museum

Chairman's Message: Winter Weather Driving Tips

Chairman's Message: Winter Weather Driving Tips

Chairman's Message: December 2022

Chairman's Message: December 2022

Chairman's Message: How Do Your Values Align With Others

Chairman's Message: How Do Your Values Align With Others

Chairman's Message: Midyear Recap

Chairman's Message: Midyear Recap

Chairman's Message: Who Inspired You?

Chairman's Message: Who Inspired You?

Chairman's Message: What You Can Expect At Midyear

Chairman's Message: What You Can Expect At Midyear

Chairman's Message: Protect Your Job Sites

Chairman's Message: Protect Your Job Sites

Chairman's Message: Staying Safe In Masonry

Chairman's Message: Staying Safe In Masonry

Chairman's Message: Masonry Is Getting Stronger

Chairman's Message: Masonry Is Getting Stronger

Chairman's Message: A Look Forward

Chairman's Message: A Look Forward

Chairman's Message: World of Concrete

Chairman's Message: World of Concrete

Chairman's Message: Starting My Journey As MCAA Chairman

Chairman's Message: Starting My Journey As MCAA Chairman

Chairman's Message: Nothing is Perfect, but Compromise Has to be Done

Chairman's Message: Nothing is Perfect, but Compromise Has to be Done

Chairman's Message: Masonry’s Back

Chairman's Message: Masonry’s Back

Chairman's Message: Coming Together As A Community of Masonry Professionals

Chairman's Message: Coming Together As A Community of Masonry Professionals

Chairman's Message: MCAA Midyear Meeting: Memphis, Tennessee

Chairman's Message: MCAA Midyear Meeting: Memphis, Tennessee

Chairman's Message: Celebrating A Successful Annual Meeting

Chairman's Message: Celebrating A Successful Annual Meeting

Chairman's Message: Examining The Big Picture

Chairman's Message: Examining The Big Picture

Chairman's Message: Navigating 2021 with the MCAA

Chairman's Message: Navigating 2021 with the MCAA

Chairman's Message: Starting 2021 On the Right Foot

Chairman's Message: Starting 2021 On the Right Foot

Chairman's Message: Overcoming Obstacles: 2020 & Beyond

Chairman's Message: Overcoming Obstacles: 2020 & Beyond

Chairman's Message: Celebrating Another Successful Midyear Meeting

Chairman's Message: Celebrating Another Successful Midyear Meeting

Chairman's Message: Supporting The CMU Check-Off Program

Chairman's Message: Supporting The CMU Check-Off Program

Chairman's Message: Looking Forward to What Comes Next

Chairman's Message: Looking Forward to What Comes Next

Chairman's Message: Getting the Most Out of Midyear

Chairman's Message: Getting the Most Out of Midyear

Chairman's Message: Moving Forward Brick By Brick

Chairman's Message: Moving Forward Brick By Brick

Chairman's Message: Getting to The New Normal

Chairman's Message: Getting to The New Normal

Chairman's Message: Staying Strong

Chairman's Message: Staying Strong

Chairman's Message: Growing the Industry from Within

Chairman's Message: Growing the Industry from Within

Chairman's Message: A Chairman's Introduction

Chairman's Message: A Chairman's Introduction

A Fond Farewell: Chairman’s Message

A Fond Farewell: Chairman’s Message

Chairman's Message: Foresight in 2020

Chairman's Message: Foresight in 2020

Chairman's Message: December Reflections

Chairman's Message: December Reflections

Chairman's Message: Thankful for The Little Things

Chairman's Message: Thankful for The Little Things

Chairman's Message: Here’s to Another Successful Midyear 2019

Chairman's Message: Here’s to Another Successful Midyear 2019

Chairman's Message: Texas Masonry Council: The Legacy

Chairman's Message: Texas Masonry Council: The Legacy

Chairman's Message: The American Dream

Chairman's Message: The American Dream

Chairman's Message: Another Successful Trip to D.C.

Chairman's Message: Another Successful Trip to D.C.

Chairman's Message: Safety Doesn’t Happen on Accident

Chairman's Message: Safety Doesn’t Happen on Accident

Chairman's Message: Doing Our Part

Chairman's Message: Doing Our Part

Chairman's Message: Preparing For D.C.

Chairman's Message: Preparing For D.C.

Chairman's Message: More Than a Little Luck

Chairman's Message: More Than a Little Luck

Chairman's Message: Show Your Love For The Industry

Chairman's Message: Show Your Love For The Industry

Chairman's Message: Looking Forward To The New Year and World Of Concrete

Chairman's Message: Looking Forward To The New Year and World Of Concrete

Chairman's Message: The Opportunities Are Endless

Chairman's Message: The Opportunities Are Endless

Chairman's Message: 2018 Mid Year Meeting Recap

Chairman's Message: 2018 Mid Year Meeting Recap

Chairman's Message: Masonry's Future

Chairman's Message: Masonry's Future

Chairman's Message: Recent Updates

Chairman's Message: Recent Updates

Chairman's Message: Masonry's Future

Chairman's Message: Masonry's Future

Chairman's Message: An Offer You Can’t Refuse

Chairman's Message: An Offer You Can’t Refuse

Cantarella Named MCAA Massachusetts State Chairman

Cantarella Named MCAA Massachusetts State Chairman

Chairman's Message: A Conversation With Mike And Colleen Sutter, Act I

Chairman's Message: A Conversation With Mike And Colleen Sutter, Act I

Chairman's Message: Sweet Tea and Grits

Chairman's Message: Sweet Tea and Grits

Chairman's Message: Spring 2017: Silica, Auctions and Policy

Chairman's Message: Spring 2017: Silica, Auctions and Policy

Chairman's Message: Things To Remember

Chairman's Message: Things To Remember

Chairman's Message: Looking Forward

Chairman's Message: Looking Forward

Chairman's Message: A Fresh Start

Chairman's Message: A Fresh Start

December 2016: Chairman’s Message

I just returned from Washington, D.C., having met with our BIM-M partners. For those who are not familiar with BIM for Masonry, known as BIM-M, it will allow those in the design community to easily include masonry in their designs. Previously, when archi

November 2016: Chairman’s Message

If you read my column last month, you know I reported on the success of the MCAA Midyear Meeting in Scottsdale, Ariz. But since I had to write that article in the beginning of September, I was just assuming it went well. Now that it is finished, I can re

October 2016: Chairman’s Message

With the MCAA Midyear Meeting just completed, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped put it all together. This was my first Midyear Meeting since becoming chairman, so I really didn’t know what to expect. There was a lot of preparat

September 2016: Chairman’s Message

“Movement in new direction helps find new cheese.” This is a quote from Dr. Spencer Johnson, author of “Who Moved My Cheese?” a business fable about change and opportunities. We are moving some cheese/making a change at MCAA that excites us all.

August 2016: Chairman’s Message

Jeff Buczkiewicz and I just left Las Vegas after a full day of reviewing venues for the World of Concrete/World of Masonry (WOC/WOM) and MCAA Convention in January. MCAA is planning some new events at new venues that I promise will be a shake-up from wha

July 2016: Chairman’s Message

I am writing this article on the plane from Washington, D.C., back to Phoenix — just a little five-hour jaunt. What a great time we had at the MCAA Legislative Fly-In, meeting with our legislators! Everyone was very busy on Wednesday, with meetings sched

June 2016: Chairman’s Message

Having just returned from the North Carolina Masonry Contractors Association (NCMCA) Convention in Hot Springs, Va., I am excited to share my experience with everyone. First of all, my wife, Colleen, and I, along with MCAA vice-chairman Paul Odom and his

Chairman’s Message: The 2016 MCAA Legislative Conference

Our Washington, D.C., fly-in, the 2016 MCAA Legislative Conference, is nearly here. We will be on Capitol Hill in force on May 18 and 19, telling our stories to our elected officials. They truly want to hear how they can help us grow our businesses and h

April 2016: Chairman’s Message: MCAA: Looking Out for Your Interests

As I write, I am on my way back to Phoenix from Orlando, Fla., after attending the National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA) convention. Although we had just visited with the NCMA officers during the MCAA convention in Las Vegas in February, it is alw

Sauter Elected 2016 NCMA Chairman of the Board

Patrick Sauter of King’s Material Inc., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was elected as the 2016 National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA) Chairman of the Board.

March 2016: Chairman’s Message

After just returning from Las Vegas and the World of Concrete/World of Masonry, I can tell you I am re-energized. How could I not be after all the productive meetings, social events, and of course Masonry Madness on Wednesday — from the Apprentice Skills

February 2016: Chairman’s Message

It is hard to believe that my term as chairman of MCAA has come to an end, and now a new chairman with fresh ideas will step in and begin his final two-year commitment as an executive officer. I assure you that Mike Sutter and his team of executive offic

January 2016: Chairman’s Message

I hope all of you had a great holiday season and are excited and energized about 2016. I am sure that, in 2016, many positive things will happen within the MCAA. Let’s start with the MCAA Annual Convention, which kicks off Jan. 31.

December 2015: Chairman's Message

As we approach the holiday season, or as most of us prefer to say, the Christmas season, we are busy thinking about what gifts to purchase for our families and friends. We spend countless hours deciding on the perfect gift to give, only to realize that i

November 2015: Chairman’s Message

So, I am on a plane heading from Key West back to Milwaukee, reflecting on our Midyear Meeting this week. The closing banquet turned out to be a social event and, due to the lay out of the restaurant, I was unable to say a few words at the end. So first,

October 2015: Chairman’s Message

I am writing this newsletter on my way home from attending the ICE meetings in D.C., and then going to Baltimore to attend the BAC National Apprenticeship contest. It is always good to see people like Jim Boland, president of the BAC, and Joan and Dave w

September 2015: Chairman’s Message

By the time you read this, we will be just a few weeks away from our Midyear Meeting in Key West. I don’t ever remember a Midyear filling up as fast as this one. I think it must have something to do with the location and all the fun activities. I am exci

August 2015: Chairman’s Message

I am excited because, in a month, my family and I will be in Margaretville or Key West, Fla., and I hope you and your family will be joining us. You can register online through the MCAA website. The MCAA headquarters will be the Hyatt Key West Resort and