2010 MCAA Convention
Words: Dan Kamys
By Jennifer Morrell and Timothy O’Toole
Despite a challenging economic climate, attendance and attitudes were healthy this year during the 2010 MCAA Convention, held last month in Las Vegas during World of Concrete/World of Masonry. Mornings began with meetings of the Workforce Development, Marketing, Legislative, Education, Membership and Safety committees. Committee Chairs and members are determined to meet goals throughout 2010 on a number of issues that affect mason contractors, and the success of Vision 20/20 remains a primary goal of the MCAA.
Masonry Skills Challenge
The Eleventh Annual International Masonry Skills Challenge showcased the best apprentices the masonry industry has to offer. Contestants in first-, second- and third-year skill levels throughout the country came to compete.
Each contestant was presented with a project drawing appropriate to his skill level just moments before the competition began. Contestants only had three hours to construct the project based on the materials provided. All winners received trophies, cash prizes, and Marshalltown tool bags and tools. First-place winners also received concrete calculators from Calculated Industries.
The MCAA thanks the judges for donating their time and expertise, and the sponsors and service/material donors for their contributions, including Lafarge, EZ Scaffold, Mortar Net USA, Ltd., Non-Stop Scaffolding, QUIKRETE, SPEC MIX, Angelus Block Co., Calculated Industries, EZ Grout Corp., Gatorback, Grout Grunt, Marshalltown, Masonry Construction, and MK Diamond Products Inc.
MAC PAC Reception
Members of the MCAA PAC Board spent an evening with U.S. Senate candidate Danny Tarkanian of Nevada, who is leading the Republican primary and leads current Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in recent polls. Tarkanian presented his thoughts on the current Congress, as well as insight on how to reduce government involvement and return the economy to market-based principles.
Fastest Trowel on the Block
The annual Fastest Trowel on the Block Competition drew a large audience to catch the action and see who would win the $6,000 grand prize. The competition showcases the skill of the industry’s masons and the importance of teamwork in accomplishing a final product. Each contestant’s goal was to complete as much of an 18-block-long wall as possible. They had 20 minutes to make split-second decisions based on the judging criteria.
The MCAA thanks the judges for donating their time and expertise: Mike Sutter (Head Judge), Sutter Masonry; Kenny Allen, Wallace Community College; Brad Clay, Brazos Masonry Inc.; Ron Drain, JDC Masonry; Kerry Gagnon, K.M. Gagnon Inc.; Robert Gladu, Artisan Masonry Inc.; Heath Holdaway, IMS Masonry Inc.; Curtis Hoover, Center of Applied Technology; Eugene Johnson, Lake Marion High School; Mike Radosa, Boettcher Masonry; and Roy Swindal, Masonry Arts Inc.
Sponsors and service/material donors include: QUIKRETE, EZ Scaffold, Mortar Net USA, Ltd., Non-Stop Scaffolding, SPEC MIX, Angelus Block Co., Calculated Industries, EZ Grout Corporation, Gatorback, Grout Grunt, Marshalltown, Masonry Construction, MK Diamond Products, Inc.
Closing Banquet
Bill Holden received the 2010 C. DeWitt Brown Leadman Award during the MCAA Closing Banquet. The award recognizes an individual who has provided exemplary leadership in advancing the masonry industry. Holden has been an active volunteer over the past eight years in the National Concrete Masonry Association. He also serves as the president of Block USA, based in Birmingham, Ala. His work with the MCAA in the development of Vision 2020 has been integral to the implementation of this new program.
During the Closing Banquet, Mackie Bounds was sworn in as the new president of the MCAA by outgoing president Tom Daniel. The MCAA appreciates all that Tom did to help the MCAA grow and prosper, and looks forward to two successful years under the leadership of Mackie.
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