Mackie M Bounds

Mr. Bounds joined the MCAA in March of 1989. The 2018 convention will make 30 straight conventions for him.

He started in the industry at the age of 16 as a laborer in Bloomington, Ind. It was his summertime job, but a seed was planted. Upon graduation, he worked for a short period of time in his family’s retail carpet business, but the masonry world was in his blood.

In 1980, Mackie and his wife moved to Texas and he went to work immediately in the construction industry. He soon went to work for Al Brown Masonry and continued there until opening his own business March 21, 1989, which was also his birthday. He always said he was young and dumb, but we all know he had a vision! His first step was to join MCAA. He believed in supporting the industry and to be a part of it. His first convention was in 1988 when at Al Brown Masonry and he saw then the importance of his membership.

Mackie and wife, Norma Jean, are blessed with two children, son Kent and daughter Crystal. They saw the determination and drive and stood with him and behind him as he pursued his dream. Kent will tell you that his $.50 weekly allowance even came to an end. Mackie became the membership chairman of MCAA and always thought every mason contractor in the country should be a member. His goal was 1200 members, but before he could do that in 1997 he became a regional Vice President of MCAA.

Back at home, he put mason contractors together with the help of suppliers and in 1995 started the Central Texas Mason Contractors Association and became the first President of the association. He also served many years on the board of directors of the Associated Masonry Contractors of Texas (later named Texas Masonry Council). He was also legislative chairman of the association. As regional Vice President of MCAA, he made the motion to change the Lead Man Award to the Dee Brown Lead Man Award. Mr. Brown always addressed Mackie as “the kid” and it was his privilege to show the world his respect for Dee Brown. It wasn’t long before he was nominated to be MCAA Treasurer and started his climb to the President of MCAA.

Back at home, he was working with other trades and was helping put together a legislative voice for all subcontractors in Texas. It was soon formed as the Texas Construction Association. He spent hours at the Capital in Austin and was instrumental in the passage of the Prompt Pay Act in Texas and also getting laws passed that protected subs on “Contingency Pay clauses and Indemnity clauses”. Now the Texas Construction Association has a multimillion dollar budget and has become the strongest voice at the Capital when it comes to Construction Law. He also served five years as chairman of the Texas Subcontractors Association. While chairman, the association was given the Hammer Award as the fastest growing chapter of the American Subcontractors Association.

At MCAA, many changes took place as he was coming up the ladder as Secretary and Vice President. Mackie and Norma Jean still treasure all the many friendships that have been established in the industry at home, in the state and nationally. When Mackie became President, the national economy was at a low and MCAA was very low on funds. He rolled up his sleeves and started a journey. He worked feverishly to bring a fragmented industry together. He met with all industry associations and had open dialog. The first Midyear Meeting of his term was held with NCMA mid-year. He formed an alliance by traveling over 60,000 miles in his two years bringing people together in a tough time.

He opened discussions with NCCER to help address manpower issues. He traveled to Washington, D.C., meeting with Congressmen and Senators addressing the use of masonry in government buildings and went to the Pentagon with the help of his congressmen to promote sustainable construction for our soldiers. He kicked off Vision 2020 to have more masonry used nationwide by the year 2020. He established active committees that worked on behalf of the industry and specifically the MCAA. He knew the future was important and started the South of 40 Committee and had four committee chairs that were south of 40. He also recognized pride was needed back in our industry. He, with the help of others, established the Masonry Hall of Fame. He was so proud to induct Dee Brown in the very first class! He felt, once again “the kid” had come through.

Mackie has always loved his community. He is a Paul Harris Rotarian and was very active in many associations. He served as President of Axtell FFA Ag Booster Club, was awarded a Lone Star FFA Degree by the Texas FFA officers, served as Chairman of the McLennan County Jr. Livestock Show & Sale, served as Chairman of the Board of the Heart of Texas Fair Complex, which impacted the local economy $60 million per year and the list goes on. He has helped raise millions of dollars for youth scholarships throughout Texas. He also loves his cattle and ranch and served many years on the Beefmaster Board of Directors and as Chairman of the Board for two years. He finds rest looking at cattle and enjoying a part of God’s creation.

As he left MCAA Chairman role, with the help of Tom Daniels, they brought a vision to reality - The Masonry Foundation. He simply wanted masonry to be there for years and years, but not just there also at the top of the construction industry.

The things that mean the most to him have nothing to do with work - his wife of 39+ years, his two children and their spouses, and his three grandchildren. His foundation is in his God as he reads his bible every day and prays many times each day. The Church has always come first even when it meant less time for himself. He now looks forward in helping others to be happy and enjoy life.

Started in the industry at the age of 16 as a laborer. Moved to Texas in 1980 and worked for Al Brown Masonry until opening Brazos Masonry, Inc. on March 21, 1989. Served as MCAA Membership Chairman, MCAA Region F Vice President, MCAA Treasurer, MCAA Secretary, MCAA Vice Chairman, MCAA Chairman, founder and first President of the Central Texas Mason Contractors Association, and Legislative Chairman and Board of Directors for the Associated Masonry Contractors of Texas.

Formed the Texas Construction Association and served as Chairman. Established Vision 2020 campaign, MCAA South of 40 Committee, and Masonry Hall of Fame. Helped create The Masonry Foundation and served as Secretary. Awarded C. DeWitt Brown Leadman Award in 2013.


Brazos Masonry

Professional - 1980- Current

Our mission is to deliver superior, profitable masonry craftsmanship while maintaining a strong reputation for safety, quality, schedule, integrity, responsiveness, and value to the customer....

Brazos Masonry


Our mission is to deliver superior, profitable masonry craftsmanship while maintaining a strong reputation for safety, quality, schedule, integrity, responsiveness, and value to the customer....

MCAA Legislative Committee


The Legislative Committee is responsible for guiding the association in the legislative arena. It is the committee's domain in establishing legislative and regulatory issues that the association will become active in affectin...

MCAA Board

Chairman - 2010-2011

On August 27, 1950 the first convention of the Mason Contractors Association of America was held in Sun Porch of the Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, Mich. Pictured around the table (left to right) are: Norman Bourchard, Gregor ...

Legacy Masonry, LLC


Our mission is to deliver superior, profitable masonry craftsmanship while maintaining a strong reputation for safety, quality, schedule, integrity, responsiveness, and value to the customer....

Legacy Masonry, LLC


Our mission is to deliver superior, profitable masonry craftsmanship while maintaining a strong reputation for safety, quality, schedule, integrity, responsiveness, and value to the customer....

MCAA Masonry Hall of Fame Alumni

Hall of Fame - 2018

Masonry Hall of Fame
The Masonry Hall of Fame was created by the Mason Contractors Association of America to recognize and award individuals who have dedicated their lives to the masonry industry.
Do you know someone who has ...


Alumni - 2013

Each year, the Mason Contractors Association of America presents the C. DeWitt Brown Leadman Award to an individual who has provided exemplary leadership in advancing the masonry industry.

All of the individuals who have rec...

Brazos Valley Livestock Commission


Brazos Valley Livestock Commission has been serving the cattle industry in the Brazos Valley-area for more than 40 years. BVLC is dedicated to its buyers and sellers, offering a prem...

Legislative Update: From the Desk of Mackie Bounds

Read all about how the Dignity Act can transform the Industry for the better.

Brazos Masonry Story

Brazos Masonry Story

Mentoring For The Future

Mentoring For The Future

Report of the MCAA Legislative Committee

The report of the MCAA Legislative Committee presented at the 2019 MCAA Convention in Las Vegas.


I will begin by saying “thank you” for giving me the opportunity to serve as President of the MCAA. It was a humbling experience and, at the same time, enjoyable.


I’ll begin by saying “thank you” for giving me the opportunity to serve as President of the MCAA. It was a humbling experience and, at the same time, enjoyable.

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One more to go!

I have one more article to write before I turn my pen over to the next President of MCAA. Before I do that, I have to share more with you concerning our industry.

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The life of a mason contractor

I am proud to be a mason contractor and a member of an association that looks out for the good and the benefit of a mason contractor.

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Join us in Vegas

Norma Jean and I have booked our flights to Las Vegas and I hope you have too. You might want to see this DVD my wife keeps working on that I can’t see.

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The future is around the corner

I can assure all members and the industry, as we move forward, that the MCAA has a vision that will make us a stronger industry and a better people.

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Join the MCAA today and I’ll pay 50%

If you are not a member of the MCAA, I hope you will change that now! Sign up today and I’ll pay half of your first year dues!

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This ole cowboy is excited!

Over the last six years, the MCAA has worked hard to build bridges. I do not have to tell anyone about the tough economic times we are enduring, but some good has come from it.

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Urgent message from MCAA President Mackie Bounds

I want to invite you to take part in a unique event the Mason Contractors Association of America will be holding at the MCAA Midyear Meeting in San Antonio.

As the world turns

Many changes are taking place around the world and even in our nation. The beauty of masonry and its sustainability have not changed, and I am proud of that.

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Update From the President

The MCAA Board of Directors and Committee Chairs are working every day for our industry. The MCAA is the only national association that works for the mason contractors.

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The Strong Spirit of our Industry

Work is tough, but our spirit is not broken. This was the spirit shown last month, when many of us flew into Washington, D.C., for our legislative conference.

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2011 MCAA Midyear Meeting

Norma Jean and I want to invite and welcome you to our great State of Texas and the beautiful city of San Antonio for the 2011 MCAA Midyear Meeting.

A Bright Future

In April I mentioned springtime and the beauty of it. This week, Norma Jean and I had the privilege and honor of meeting the Minnesota Mason Contractors up in the Twin Cities.

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Springtime Updates from MCAA

Spring is a great time for us in the construction industry as we see improvement in the weather, and jobs can go full speed ahead.

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Tidbits From MCAA

The 2011 MCAA Convention has come and gone, and we are all back at home working hard and putting what we learned to practice.

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Time Flies By

Don’t let the time fly by, and then find yourself behind everyone else. Never think for a moment that you are too old to learn.

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The MCAA Convention: A Priceless Experience

We are about to have our annual convention in Las Vegas. I hope to see and visit with many of you during the convention.

The End of the Year

Rather than reflecting too much on the past, I want to look toward the future. Here at the MCAA, we continue to work hard for the future of mason contractors and our industry.

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Busy Times!

I know when you see this headline that you are thinking this writer has lost his mind. I am not talking about the number of jobs we have, but the work we are doing to prepare for the future.

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South of 40

The weather is getting cooler, football season has started and the Dallas Cowboys are preparing to win the Super Bowl. I would like to tell you that the tough economy is getting better, but I don’t think there is much hope of that with the November ele

South of 40

At the beginning of the year, MCAA started a new committee, “South of 40.” They have exceeded all of our expectations, and they have become one of our most active committees.

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Get Involved on All Levels

I know we are all busy trying to get busy, and times are tough. At the same time, there are so many positive things happening, and it gives me great hope for the future.

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What Are We Doing?

I know it is summer time, and we are taking vacations or planning vacations, but what are we doing with our business?

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Have a Great Summer

Even though we are in some tough economic times, we at MCAA are working hard for the mason contractors and our industry.

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Adding Dollars to the Bottom Line

Recently, a few mason contractors and suppliers gathered in Washington, D.C., for our Legislative Conference.

MCAA Key Accomplishments 2009-2010

As it comes time to renew your annual dues, we would like to update you on some of the initiatives from last year that your membership dollars had a direct impact on.

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The Government is Working, 24-7

We all are aware of the many changes taking place in Washington, D.C., today. No matter where we stand in the political system, we are alarmed by the rapid changes.

MCAA is Working for the Mason Contractor

I know we are living in some tough times in our country today. We can give up, or we can prepare for the future when things come back.

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Moving Forward

We just returned from the MCAA 2010 Annual Convention in Las Vegas. It was nice to see a great turn out of masonry contractors and vendors from around the country.

Moving Forward

We just returned from the MCAA 2010 Annual Convention in Las Vegas. It was nice to see a great turn out of masonry contractors and vendors from around the country.

Moving Forward

We just returned from the MCAA 2010 Annual Convention in Vegas and it was nice to see a great turn out of masonry contractors and vendors from around the country.

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Fun Time in D.C.

Fun Time in D.C.

MCAA Regional Report, Region F

MCAA Region F Report presented at the 2004 Masonry Showcase in Las Vegas, Nev.

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MCAA Regional Report, Region F

MCAA Region F Report presented at the 2003 Midyear Meeting in San Diego, Calif.

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Report of the MCAA Membership Committee

Report of the MCAA Membership Committee presented at the 1998 Midyear Meeting.

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