Chairman's Message: Foresight in 2020

Words: Paul Odom

Paul Odom, MCAA Chairman

As you are reading this, we are already in 2020. In my mind, I still feel like 1980 was only 20 years ago. My, how the time flies when you’re having fun.   As we begin a new year, I think the idea of making changes is always on our minds. How many times do we fail to follow through with our goals and changes? It’s one thing to say something, but another to make it happen.  My daughter, Elizabeth, shared a quote with me from her daily planner that said, “A year from now you may wish you had started today”- Karen Lamb. I like this because it captures Nike’s theme of many years— Just Do It. Don’t wait until the next day, week, or year to get started.  Here are some ideas that I’ll be working on this year to make sure that things get done in my work and personal life: 
  • Write down my goals. What is written is more likely to get done. Discuss these goals with my team and with Susie, my beautiful bride, who always helps keep me in line. 
  • Let others do things. I’ll be working on delegating more tasks, which is a win-win. I get to pass assignments on, and someone else gets to learn new skills. 
  • Make schedules and stick to them. I’ve made some significant progress this year, keeping all of my schedules on one paper calendar. I also use shared calendars with my team. What I’ll be working on more is pre-planning to make the most of my time every day and blocking time for the priorities I have each day, both at home and work. 
  • Make manageable to-do lists each day and identify the priorities for the day before so that last-minute duties don’t sneak in and take the place of priorities. 
  • Stay healthy. Susie is super-helpful at being a good example because she exercises daily. I’ve been working up to it and have seen the benefits. We will be working on eating healthier this year as well. I’ve always told my teams, if you can’t take care of your family, you can’t take care of mine. Well, the same is true in the same vein- if you can’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of your team or family. 
Now you all know what my goals are so if you talk to me six months from now, be sure to ask me how I’m doing with these!  In the same realm of doing things now, rather than waiting, if you’re not up to speed on the OSHA silica regulation, it is time for you to review this. MCAA has received word that the masonry industry is at the top of their list for industries to be watching for silica-related issues. The MCAA’s silica resources are great, and if you haven’t sent someone from your company to be a silica train-the-trainer, please consider this so you can know what all the requirements are. You can find a wealth of knowledge, including a written Silica Exposure Control Plan, free to MCAA members at Please don’t wait for OSHA to tell you what they want you to be doing.  I certainly don’t want to end my next to last newsletter on a not-so-positive note. So, I am be signing off with wishes to each and every one of you for a safe, healthy, and prosperous New Year from Susie and me. We hope to see you all next month at the World of Masonry in Las Vegas.    Don’t forget to register if you’ve not already: 
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